Friday, March 6, 2020

Top Useful English Phrases connected with New Year Resolutions

Top Useful English Phrases connected with New Year Resolutions What is it about New Year’s Eve that persuades us to make promises we have great difficulty in  keeping? I have been making New Year Resolutions for more years now than I care to remember (I  would prefer to forget!). I can count on one hand  (there are not many) the number of resolutions  that I succeeded in keeping by accident or design  (by choice or simply by accident). We usually start with a list of things we would like to achieve such as: losing weight, going to the  gym more often, change jobs or some other life changing action (something very significant). To  stick to  (continue to try) or to give up  (stop trying) depends on our own personal motivation. Usually  the support of a partner (husband or wife or a family member) is really necessary to be  successful. Setting realistic goals  (targets) is also an essential requirement  (important factor) if you  are going to fulfil your dream.So many people quit  (give up) at a very early stage so if you can get over  (get past) those first few  weeks then you have a much greater chance of success. So whether you are cutting down  on (reducing) or cutting out  (giving something up completely) then set yourself many short term goals  measured in days or weeks and then it may not be such a struggle (so difficult). For example, if your  goal is to give up smoking for a year it might seem or appear a lo ng way off  (a long way away). Why  not give up for a month and then when you achieve that goal look for another month and so on until  you accumulate your overall goal (final goal). I tried this many years ago (one of the few resolutions I actually  achieved) when I decided to give up alcohol for 1 year. I measured it each month and did not think about the entire year until I got to September and then it was only another 3 months. It worked for  me!So if you have overindulged (eaten or drunk too much) over the Xmas and New Year, try shorter  term goals to get that resolution in the bag  (completed successfully).Good luck with what ever you set out to do  (what ever you attempt) and hopefully you have not  given up already!! Useful English Phrases connected with Resolutions life changing action   something very significantto stick to   to continue doing something that you have planned to do and not change your mindto give up   to stop doing somethinggoal   targetrequirement   important factorto quit   to give upto get over   to get past, to overcome (a difficulty)to cut down   to reduceto cut out   to give something up completelystruggle   forceful effort

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